

ELEC446.Blockkurs History

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July 29, 2019, at 05:28 AM by -
Changed line 42 from:
  • '' HGS MathComp Curriculum page""
  • HGS MathComp Curriculum page
July 29, 2019, at 05:28 AM by -
Added lines 41-42:
  • '' HGS MathComp Curriculum page""
July 26, 2019, at 04:35 PM by -
Changed lines 34-35 from:
July 26, 2019, at 04:01 PM by -
Changed lines 32-34 from:
  • Some good books on FEM
    • Hackbusch
    • Ern and Guermond
  • Some good books on FEM are Hackbusch and Ern and Guermond
July 26, 2019, at 03:59 PM by -
Changed line 43 from:
 *Template for counting MCMC with moves counting_MCMC_template.m Δ
 *Template for counting MCMC with moves countingMCMCtemplate.m
July 26, 2019, at 03:57 PM by -
Changed lines 41-43 from:
 *Image of good and bad cells slide.tif. Matlab code makefake.m that generated the image, and uses functions putgood.m and putbad.m.
 *Image of good and bad cells slide.tif. 
 *Matlab code makefake.m that generated the image, and uses functions putgood.m and putbad.m.
 *Template for counting MCMC with moves counting_MCMC_template.m Δ
July 26, 2019, at 03:51 PM by -
Changed lines 37-38 from:
Changed lines 40-41 from:
 *Task sheet Δ
 *Image of good and bad cells in Matlab mat format slide.mat Δ, or as slide.tif. Matlab code makefake.m Δ that generated the image, and uses functions putgood.m Δ and putbad.m Δ.
 *Task sheet
 *Image of good and bad cells slide.tif. Matlab code makefake.m that generated the image, and uses functions putgood.m and putbad.m.
July 26, 2019, at 04:43 AM by -
Changed line 27 from:
 *DJac.m function to return Jacobian matrix for inverse coefficient problem, built using secant approximation
 *DJac.m function to return Jacobian matrix for inverse coefficient problem, built using secant approximation
July 25, 2019, at 10:16 PM by -
Changed line 29 from:
 *Task: Evaluate the Jacobian (linearized forward map) for D(x)->u(x,T), using the secant method in D Jac?, and FEM program in heatfem (or your own). What is the effective rank of this map? What happens to the rank as the discretization of D (and u) is refined?
 *Task: Evaluate the Jacobian (linearized forward map) for D(x)->u(x,T), using the secant method in DJac, and FEM program in heatfem (or your own). What is the effective rank of this map? What happens to the rank as the discretization of D (and u) is refined?
July 25, 2019, at 10:13 PM by -
Changed line 29 from:
 *Evaluate the linearized forward map for D(x)->u(x,T), using the secant method and robfem.m FEM program (or your own). What is the effective rank of this map? 
 *Task: Evaluate the Jacobian (linearized forward map) for D(x)->u(x,T), using the secant method in D Jac?, and FEM program in heatfem (or your own). What is the effective rank of this map? What happens to the rank as the discretization of D (and u) is refined?
July 25, 2019, at 10:02 PM by -
Changed line 27 from:
 *DJac.m function to return Jacobian matrix, built using secant approximation
 *DJac.m function to return Jacobian matrix for inverse coefficient problem, built using secant approximation
July 25, 2019, at 10:01 PM by -
Changed line 26 from:
 *heatIPsvals.m script file the plots the singular values for the inverse-source problem in the 1-dim heat equation
 *heatIPsvals.m plot the singular values for the inverse-source problem in the 1-dim heat equation
July 25, 2019, at 10:01 PM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:
 *heatIPevals.m script file the plots the singular values for the inverse-source problem in the 1-dim heat equation
 *heatIPsvals.m script file the plots the singular values for the inverse-source problem in the 1-dim heat equation
 *DJac.m function to return Jacobian matrix, built using secant approximation
July 25, 2019, at 09:57 PM by -
Changed line 26 from:
 *heatIPevals.m Δ script file the plots the singular values for the inverse-source problem in the 1-dim heat equation
 *heatIPevals.m script file the plots the singular values for the inverse-source problem in the 1-dim heat equation
July 25, 2019, at 09:57 PM by -
Added line 26:
 *heatIPevals.m Δ script file the plots the singular values for the inverse-source problem in the 1-dim heat equation
July 25, 2019, at 04:44 PM by -
Changed line 18 from:
 *heatfem.m that builds FEM matrices for heat problem
 *heatfem.m that builds FEM mass and stiffness matrices for 1-dim heat problem
July 25, 2019, at 04:42 PM by -
Deleted lines 13-14:
Changed line 26 from:
 *robfem.m that builds FEM mass and stiffness matrices for 1-dim space part
 *robfem.m that builds FEM matrix for 1-dim operator -cu'' + alpha u
July 25, 2019, at 04:35 PM by -
Changed lines 28-29 from:
 *Evaluate the linearized forward map for D(x)->u(x,T), using the secant method and the simple FEM program supplied. What is the effective rank of this map? 
 *robfem.m that builds FEM mass and stiffness matrices for 1-dim space part
 *Evaluate the linearized forward map for D(x)->u(x,T), using the secant method and robfem.m FEM program (or your own). What is the effective rank of this map? 
July 24, 2019, at 11:52 PM by -
Added line 20:
 *heatfem.m that builds FEM matrices for heat problem
Deleted lines 24-27:
  • Compute 3
    • heatfem.m that builds FEM matrices for heat problem
Added lines 26-28:
  • Compute 3
July 24, 2019, at 10:43 PM by -
Changed line 27 from:
 *heatfem.m Δ that builds FEM matrices for heat problem
 *heatfem.m that builds FEM matrices for heat problem
July 24, 2019, at 10:42 PM by -
Changed line 28 from:
 *Python code: Andres' python code zip file for heat FEM
 *Python code: Andres' python code zip file plus IP text
July 24, 2019, at 10:38 PM by -
Changed lines 20-23 from:
 * Write a sampler for the inverse heat-conductivity problem in (constant) D (or use my awful code, above)
 * Tune the window size for your RWM sampler, or better still (challenge question) plot a graph of IACT as function of window w to find the optimal w
 *Consider error in the final time T, T~Unif[1.8,2.2]. Perform joint inference for D and T, and say whether inference for D is significantly altered.
Changed lines 28-32 from:
 *Python code
 *Andres' python code zip file for heat FEM
 *Complete your sampler for the inverse problem in (constant) D
 *Tune the window size for your RWM sampler, or better still (challenge question) plot a graph of IACT as function of window w to find the optimal w
 *Consider error in the final time T, T~Unif[1.8,2.2]. Perform joint inference for D and T, and say whether inference for D is significantly altered.
 *Python code: Andres' python code zip file for heat FEM
Changed line 36 from:
  • Lecture 3
  • Lecture 4
Changed line 39 from:
  • Compute 3
  • Compute 4
Deleted lines 42-44:
July 24, 2019, at 10:34 PM by -
Changed lines 18-19 from:
Changed lines 26-27 from:
  • Python code
 *Python code
Deleted lines 27-28:
  • Compute 2
July 24, 2019, at 10:19 PM by -
Changed lines 11-13 from:
 *mcgauss.m Δ MH for sampling a Gaussian in 1-dim, with mean and covariance
 *mcgaus.m MH for sampling a Gaussian in 1-dim
 *mcgaus_demo.m Traces of Gaussian sampler for different window sizes
Deleted line 16:
July 24, 2019, at 10:16 PM by -
Changed lines 9-10 from:
  • Compute 1 (for m-files, right click to 'Save As' to get formatting correct)
    • mcmc.m Δ is a basic Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
  • Compute 1 (for m-files, right click to 'Save As' to get formatting correct, and add .m extension (my silly Wiki does not allow .m extensions))
    • mcmc.m.m is a basic Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, with acceptance prob. for exponential distribution
July 24, 2019, at 10:01 PM by -
Deleted line 8:
Added lines 10-14:
 *mcmc.m Δ is a basic Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
 *mcgauss.m Δ MH for sampling a Gaussian in 1-dim, with mean and covariance
  • Compute 2 (for m-files, right click to 'Save As' to get formatting correct)
Changed line 22 from:
 *Andres' zip file
 *Andres' python code zip file for heat FEM
July 24, 2019, at 09:55 PM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:

Instructors: Colin Fox and J Andres Christen


Instructors: Colin Fox

Changed lines 6-7 from:
 * lecture notes Δ (so far)
 *Gareth Roberts' notes on Statistical Inference has useful statements of basic  MCMC methods and theorems
 * Book by Jun Liu: Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing
 * Gareth Roberts' notes on Statistical Inference has useful statements of basic  MCMC methods and theorems
July 24, 2019, at 09:50 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:

Resources for Blockkurs on Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Inverse Problems in PD Es?


Resources for Blockkurs on Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Inverse Problems in PDEs

July 24, 2019, at 09:49 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:

Resources for Blockkurs on Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Inverse Problems in PD Es?:


Resources for Blockkurs on Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Inverse Problems in PD Es?

July 24, 2019, at 09:47 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:

Resources for BUC 5 computing labs:


Resources for Blockkurs on Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Inverse Problems in PD Es?:

July 24, 2019, at 09:45 PM by -
Added lines 1-40:

Resources for BUC 5 computing labs:

Instructors: Colin Fox and J Andres Christen

  • Some Reading
    • lecture notes Δ (so far)
    • Gareth Roberts' notes on Statistical Inference has useful statements of basic MCMC methods and theorems
  • Compute 1 (for m-files, right click to 'Save As' to get formatting correct)
  • Python code
  • Compute 2
    • Complete your sampler for the inverse problem in (constant) D
    • Tune the window size for your RWM sampler, or better still (challenge question) plot a graph of IACT as function of window w to find the optimal w
    • Consider error in the final time T, T~Unif[1.8,2.2]. Perform joint inference for D and T, and say whether inference for D is significantly altered.
    • Evaluate the linearized forward map for D(x)->u(x,T), using the secant method and the simple FEM program supplied. What is the effective rank of this map?
  • Some good books on FEM
    • Hackbusch
    • Ern and Guermond
  • Lecture 3
  • Compute 3
  • Public Lecture