function J = DJac(Dtrue) % Function file to evaluate jacobian of forward map from D(x) to data u(x,T) % Input: scalar Dtrue > 0 , Jacobian is evaluated at this (constant) coefficient % Output: J is the xdim-1 x nxDat (number of FEM elements x number of internal FEM nodes) % secant approximation to the Jacobian % % cf. 22 Sept 2016 % use the constants in sec. 7.6 of Inverse Problems notes L = 10; Tmax = 2; xdim = 25; x = linspace(0,L,xdim); xDat = 2:xdim-1; % indexes of locations of observations nxDat = length(xDat); r1 = 0.75*L; r2 = 0.8*L; u0 = zeros(1,xdim); u0(find(x>=r1 & x<=r2)) = 1; % Simulate noise free data for basis of perturbations Dpert = eye(xdim-1,xdim-1); scale = 0.1; % this is my step in the secant method J = zeros(nxDat,xdim-1); % matrix to hold Jacobian for count = 1:xdim-1 [K,M] = heatfem(x,ones(1,xdim-1),-(Dtrue*ones(1,xdim-1)+scale*Dpert(:,count)')); A = inv(M)*K; [t,usoln] = ode45(@heatODE,[0 Tmax],u0); uDat = usoln(end,xDat); J(:,count) = uDat'; end function udot = heatODE(t,u) udot = A*u; % assert zero boundary conditions udot(1) = 0; udot(end) = 0; end end