
PHSI 427: Linear Systems and Noise

An introduction to the "systems" approach to solving physical problems: the delta function, impulse response, transfer functions, the Fourier transform, sampling and the FFT, causality and the Kramers-Kronig relations, noise processes and matched filtering.

You have reached the course support page for PHSI 427 in 2024, formerly known as ELEC 441 - Linear Systems and Noise (pre-2023).


Colin Fox. Room 523.

Lecture times and room

Thursday 9:00am - 10.50am, 311 (with a tea break 9:50 to 10:00) for the first 8.5 weeks of semester 1 in 2024.


Wednesday 1pm - 1.50pm, 311


30% assignments, 70% exam (3 hours, closed book)


We will be using the 2024 edition of the study notes. The classic text by Ron Bracewell: The Fourier Transform & Its Applications is well worth a read, if only for the pictionary of transforms.


There will be 6 weekly assignments (set weeks 1-6, due weeks 2-7), worth 5% each. Assignments are made available immediately after the Thursday lecture, and are due 9am the following Thursday.
Assignment 1, Assignment 2, Assignment 3, Assignment 4, Assignment 5, Assignment 6

If you want to have a look at the assignments from 2023, here they are: Assignment 1, Assignment 2, Assignment 3, Assignment 4, Assignment 5, Assignment 6.


Wednesday workshops are firstly for sorting out issues relating to assignments, after that we will go over some workshop question sheets: The sheets from 2023 are (we will probably reuse these in 2024): Workshop 1, Workshop 2, Workshop 3.

Lecture content (sections are in the 2021 course notes; topics and timing will change a bit as we go along in 2024)

129 Feb (9)1.1, 1.2delta function = Dirac delta function = unit impulsescan
229 Feb (10)2.1-2.5Classes of systems. Impulse response, convolutionscan
37 Mar (9)2.7-2.9Stability of LTI system, eigenfunctions of LTI systems, transfer function, cascaded systemsscan
47 Mar (10)3.1-3.3, 3.5The Fourier transform and its inverse. Convergence of Dirichlet integrals. Properties of FT.scan
514 Mar (9)3.3Symmetries and convolution theorem.scan
614 Mar (10)3.4Examples of FTscan
721 Mar (9)3.6, 3.7FT of generalized functions
821 Mar (10)4.1-4.7Sampling in frequency and time, Discrete-time FT, Sampling theorem
928 Mar (9)5.1, 5.4Discrete FT
1028 Mar (10)5.4-5.5Properties of the DFT, Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
1111 Apr (9)6.1, 6.2Energy and power in deterministic signals
1211 Apr (10)6.3, 6.4Probability, A CLT
1318 Apr (9)  
1418 Apr (10)7.5,7.6Stochastic processes, wide-sense stationary
152 May (9)8.1, 8.2, 9.10Power in stochastic signals, the real Wiener--Khinchin theorem
162~May~(10) Overflow

Exam prep

A collection of past exams can be found here or on the Otago library site and search for ELEC441. Post 2013 are most relevant. Here is a booklet of old exam questions (2002 -- 2008).